What is maqui and where does it come from?

The maqui it is a blue-purplish berry similar to blueberry and has a dark pulp, rich in juice. It is also called the "Patagonian blueberry", but compared to the blueberries themselves, it is the richest fruit in antioxidants in the world. Its plant is native to Chile, endemic to the subantarctic woods, widespread in Patagonia, in the islands of Juan Fernández and in Argentina where it grows in humid soils with abundant humus, up to 2500 meters above sea level. It is a plant that often grows in deforested or burned areas, where in September-December (the Antarctic spring) it produces white flowers from which dark purple berries originate that ripen by January-February and are harvested until April. Maqui berries were traditionally used in the form of a fermented drink by the Mapuche, the indigenous people of southern Chile, and historically it seems that the "powerful" nutritional value of this drink contributed to the ability of the Mapuche to defeat first the Incas and then the Spaniards. Today it is considered a true "superfruit" thanks to its extraordinary antioxidant properties, so much so that it is believed that Maqui berries are the fruit with the highest "ORAC" (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value.

Antioxidants vs free radicals

To produce energy, our body burns the macronutrients that we take with food: carbohydrates, Protein and fats, and in this process not only energy is produced, but also metabolic waste and free radicals . These free radicals are the main culprits of cellular aging and with pollution, smoking, stress, bad eating habits or even a sedentary lifestyle they tend to increase in our body, thus accelerating the aging processes.


Those who practice intense physical activity produce more free radicals, so even those who practice sports know the importance of protecting themselves from them, as the oxidative stress they cause leads not only to accelerated aging of the tissues, but also to a weakening of the immune system , increased inflammation, and promote potential cardiovascular and neurodegenerative problems. The antioxidants are antagonist molecules of free radials that defend us against these harmful risks to our health, combating cellular aging and everything that follows it internally and externally to our body.

Properties and benefits of maqui

Maqui berries are extraordinary concentrates of antioxidants, in addition to having a high concentration of vitamins, in particular of groups E and B, but the characteristic of these berries is their very high content of Delphinidin (82-83% of the total anthocyanidins contained), a type of Anthocyanin (polyphenol ) which has been shown to have the greatest antioxidant Energy in nature: in fact, the ORAC value of Maqui is about 3 times higher than that of Blueberry, 7 times higher than that of pomegranate. Delphinidin is truly an element of extraordinary antioxidant Energy, capable of neutralizing as much as 42% of free radicals in 4 minutes, while the other species of Anthocyanins only range from 10 to 33%. Delphinidin was also found to be active on a large group of different types of free radicals, unlike other anthocyanins which are active only towards some species of free radicals. This powerful antioxidant action has a protective effect on the skin as much as it protects the arteries, revealing itself as a "scavenger" agent against free radicals in particular against skin cells, thus fighting aging induced by exposure to sunlight and to ultraviolet rays. The antioxidant effect of delphinidin also prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the vascular walls, counteracting the deposit of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, as they can reduce the degree of oxidation of fats released into the bloodstream (this is particularly true for LDL cholesterol which tends to be easily oxidized and therefore to be deposited inside the arteries). Thanks to its antioxidant characteristics, Maqui has many other benefits such as protecting the lens of the eye and preventing retinal macular degeneration related to aging. A recent study found that taking even low doses of Maqui significantly reduces light-induced damage to the photoreceptors (cells sensitive to light radiation) in the retina, thanks to the inhibition of the formation of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), one of the most important groups of free radicals, responsible for the phosphorylation of the p38 protein which leads to the death of photoreceptors in the retina. This action is very useful to counteract various eye disorders, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD = Age-related Macular Degeneration) and Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Maqui can have moderately astringent properties and can be used in case of diarrhea and to restore the altered bacterial flora.

The presence of delphinidin-3-sambubioside-5-glucoside has been shown to improve cellular sensitivity to insulin, thus stimulating the entry of glucose into muscle cells, in favor of greater energy production, and at the same time inhibiting the release of glucose by the liver cells, thus resulting in an interesting hypoglycemic effect. This super berry also has an anti-inflammatory action both at the bone and joint level but also interesting for soothing the irritation of the oral mucosa, mouth and throat, as delphinidin inhibits the activation of NFkB, a factor responsible for the expression of some mediators of inflammatory states (cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and the like), and is able to specifically counteract the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2),

Side effects and contraindications

To date there are not enough studies on the possible side effects, as well as on the precise contraindications, deriving from the intake of Maqui berries, even if it is still considered a safe nutraceutical. To keep in mind, since the interactions are not yet clear, it would be better to avoid recourse in conjunction with other pharmacological treatments, in particular medicines for reducing cholesterol levels or blood sugar, since the remedy could increase their effects. Although there is no precise statistical representation, some consumers have complained of greater constipation, a side effect probably related to the astringent characteristics of the fruit.